Do you have to wear a coat?
65 degrees and above– short sleeves are okay
55 - 65 degrees - light jacket or sweatshirt
55 degrees and below - yes, you need a coat
40 degrees and below - yes, you need a coat, plus hat and gloves/mittens
If there is snow on the ground - snow pants and boots are required
Math Facts are important because they form the building blocks for higher-level Math concepts. Skills such as long multiplication and division are just a couple of the concepts that a child will encounter in his/her Math career. If he/she has mastered Math Facts, these concepts will be significantly easier and will be better equipped to solve them more quickly. If he/she is spending a lot of time doing the basic Facts, he/she is more likely to be confused with the process and get lost in her calculations.
There are many apps students can download on a phone or other device to help them study their multiplication facts. We use Flash to Pass for extra practice at school. Knowing multiplication facts is very important in 6th grade and future grades, as we get into working with decimals and fractions. Please work with your child and encourage them to keep practicing their facts on their own.
Good personal hygiene plays a critical role in promoting a positive self-image and reinforces healthy habits .
• Wash hair daily.
• Use deodorant or antiperspirant at least once a day.
• Brush teeth twice a day.
• Wear clean/unsoiled clothes every day
Students are encouraged to bring deodorant/antiperspirant to school to keep in their lockers to use after recess and PE.
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