Mrs. Little's 3rd Grade Classroom

September 18, 2020

Picture Day: Monday, September 28, 2020


School Code: EVTSMSJ4Q

September Reading Calendars

September 16, 2020

Continue reading at home. Don't forget to set the timer and record your minutes on your September Reading Calendar. I have noticed most of you have been doing this! Keep up the great work and don't forget to enjoy it!


August 30, 2020

3rd Grade Homecoming Theme: Candy Land

Students will be asked to wear either a Red, Blue, Yellow or Green shirt to match the colors of the game pieces. I know McKenna has a candy costume that she will be wearing and if any others have access to one, they are welcome to wear that instead of the t-shirt.

If you have any pillows, floaties or toys that are candy or sweet treat themed, they are welcome to bring them for the parade.

The students suggested throwing candy out to the crowd, but after much thought I have decided against it due to covid precautions.

Any suggestions or ideas are welcome! Feel free to send those ideas with the kids or reach out to me! Thanks so much! 

I hope you will all enjoy homecoming as much as me!

Brrr! It's like January in our classroom

August 19, 2020

It is my suggestion to send a sweatshirt, sweater or jacket with your child to keep in their locker. The 3rd Grade classroom is cooler than most other places in the building. This is not mandatory, I am just thinking of their comfort while learning. 


July 22, 2020


Each classroom is offered a fruit or vegetable snack Tuesday-Thursday morning each week. They do not provide on Mondays, so I am asking families to donate nonperishable snacks for those days. I ask that you send individually packaged items to help with our Covid-19 restrictions. You can send them at any time and when our supplies run low, I will send reminders to restock. I appreciate your support!


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